To The FemmeMobile! Away!

{February 14, 2010}   ow.


i’m giving you the point version.

– dog bite on weds. cleaned and stitched.
– back to er on thurs due to swelling and pain. cleaned, unstitched, more antibios.
– back to er on fri for more swelling and pain. ivs, xrays, debridement (where they cut away the infected tissue), packed with stuff. dad flew up to make sure i’m ok.

now: i’m on 2 different antibiotics, percoset, alieve. i take out the packing and do-it every 12 hours. it’s not as painful as i thought it would be.

for details, see nezu, who is keeping a running update. i’m high on pain meds, and this is the first time i’ve even felt up to turning the comp on. you are welcome to text or call, but i will probably not be online until later in the week (and i may not answer right away, depending on how i’m feeling).

just fyi. alive, and almost functional. πŸ˜‰


Bond says:

I hope you get better ASAP! 😦

JB says:

me, too! πŸ˜‰

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